Launching ShefFood book club! Our need to eat shapes our daily existence, affecting everything from our own identities and cultures to the landscapes we create, and even our political and economic systems. The ShefFood book group explores those intersections between food, place, people and planet, and asks what they tell us about how to fix our broken food system.
DATE: 30th November
VENUE: Juno Books
For our first meeting we are reading ‘Unearthed: On race and roots, and how the soil taught me I belong’. Use this link to book your ticket.
Food-lovers of Sheffield, we warmly invite you to come along to the ShefFood Book Club. This month we will be reading Unearthed: On race and roots, and how the soil taught me I belong by Claire Ratinon. Unearthed is the story of how Claire found belonging through falling in love with growing plants and reconnecting with nature. Like many diasporic people of colour, Claire grew up feeling cut off from the natural world. She lived in cities, reluctant to be outdoors and stuck with the belief that success and status could fill the space where belonging was absent. Through learning the practice of growing food, she unpicked her beliefs about who she ought to be.
Our need to eat shapes our daily existence, affecting everything from our own identities and cultures to the landscapes we create, and even our political and economic systems. The ShefFood Book Club explores those intersections between food, place, people and planet, and asks what they tell us about how to fix our broken food system.
Your ticket includes:
A copy of Unearthed by Claire Ratinon.
Access to the ShefFood Book Club at 6pm on Thursday 30th November at Juno Books. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided. Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements
Your ticket does NOT include:
Postage. You will need to collect the book from Juno Books, 24 Chapel Walk, Sheffield, S1 2PD. You can also pay extra for postage. Multiple book club orders will all be posted out at the same time so you only need to pay postage once
ShefFood’s Open Meetings are working towards a Good Food Movement for Sheffield. This is about ensuring that all of Sheffield’s communities and institutions are able to influence Sheffield’s food system.