Join ShefFood for the next growing & compost working group meeting. The event will take place on Wednesday, 22nd November 2023, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (previously 11 – 1pm) at Sharrow Community Forum. All are welcome to join.
The primary aim of this meeting will be to conduct a focus group discussion to inform a research project at the University of Sheffield. The primary objective of this research is to map the spatial distribution of food-growing sites in Sheffield, understand the fragilities and vulnerabilities within the urban horticultural system, and identify pathways to increase the security of growing
This working group drives and supports strategy, research, learning and projects that cultivate better growing and composting in Sheffield. The group believes in the power of partnerships and collaborations to achieve our goals, which is why we invite individuals and organisations ranging from community and commercial growers to academics, policymakers, schools and everyone in between and beyond to join us!