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Steering Group – Meeting Minutes – June 2024

Attendees: Selina Treuherz, Rene Meijer, Peter Jackson, Lorna Middleton

ItemNotesAction Points
Introductions/ Apologies
Changes to employment: We’re very excited to be joined by Nell, our new deputy partnership coordinator.
Sadly Rachael will be leaving at the end of July
Gareth has decided to end his involvement in the ShefFood SG- meaning we need to work out a way of involving other members of the ShefFood G+C WG

The steering group is very grateful for all of Gareth’s help in the last 6(!) years. We’re happy to help with the technical details of the handover.
Finance update
See the Current Budget spreadsheet 
Additional small consultancy from SiSe
Changes to Regather’s contributions- decide whether and how much any payment can be made to Regather to cover these costs retrospectively.
Additional £1k from FFCC
CLES project- additional 

Regather contribution- transfer over domain cost (approx £12 pcm, and £5 for hosting).

Selina, Rene and Peter to meet about the CLES project
Selina and Peter to meet about the FFCC
Lorna to send website info
MAIN AGENDA ITEM: Options appraisal of next steps for ShefFood
See document and run through here
All comments, before and after the meeting welcome. 
Peter and Lorna agree that the options appraisal makes sense.
Leon- happy with embedded within Food Works
Selina has spoken with Liz about the options appraisal- which she is happy with
All agreed that the accountable body will remain at Food Works
Updating the terms of reference to ensure accountability and political neutrality
Creating structures for a more representative steering group
Contributions received in advance from Leon Ballin and Liz Harris. Steering group supports embedding ShefFood in Food Works, with the recognition that getting governance and transparency right will be key for continued trust in ShefFood as a neutral party in the city.
Decision:The Steering group supports the continued hosting of ShefFood at Food Works, but with a more embedded model for staffing and financeFood Works and ShefFood to formulate an implementation proposal which will address governance, accountability and financial management, for approval at the next Steering Group meetingFood Works to cover the partnership coordinator responsibilities using their Head of public Engagement and CEO to cover this role while the implementation is being finalised. This will be funded using the partnership coordinator budget
Comms [Lorna]
Consultancy page is now live. We’ve only had a handful of visitors so far (most probably from the SG) so if we want to promote this more I can do some work on this.
Website Development – We are at the beginning of some large development work on the website to provide more resources to both public and partners across the five working groups area. This will we hope lead to ShefFood’s website being a central hub for food resources in the city. This will be the main focus over the next few months.
Social media pack for partners – Does the steering group have any comments or feedback on the pack before we start pushing out to partners?
Articles are going well and we are being more proactive in reaching out to partners for them to share their work. 
Email newsletter to focus on the governance changes and transparency. 
Lorna to continue work on the social pack and develop a plan for sending it out to partners.