ShefFood Launch New Food Charter for Sheffield

ShefFood Launch New Food Charter for Sheffield

ShefFood, the food partnership for Sheffield, has launched a brand new food charter for Sheffield as part of their Bronze to Silver Award bid for Sustainable food places. Since Sheffield won their Bronze sustainable Food Places Award in Summer 2021, ShefFood has been building towards the next Silver award with their  #ShefftoSilver campaign.  A crucial part of this is the charter, which outlines their commitments to creating a better food system in Sheffield for people and the planet. The partner organisations that sign up to the charter are equally committed and vital to the campaign’s success.  The charter is just the start of ShefFood’s big plans for the city, to share knowledge and build connections across the city to help make a food system in Sheffield that works for every.

The New Charter

When the food system works for people and the planet, it brings communities together, makes us all happier and healthier, and develops local economies for today and tomorrow. The Sheffield Food Charter sets out this vision in four areas.

  1. Makes sure everyone in Sheffield has, by default, access to healthy, sustainable and affordable food.
  2. Uses the power of good food to bring people together, creating cohesive communities through celebrating experiences and sharing knowledge.
  3. Encourages a diverse and vibrant food economy that promotes and prioritises local producers, boosts the local economy and treats customers, workers and nature well.
  4. Develops resilient practices from farm to fork and beyond, which reduce emissions and waste levels to feed tomorrow and today.

Everyone in the city can sign the charter and pledge from businesses, community groups and university institutions.  The partnership exists to catalyse these efforts and bring ideas together to make a food system in Sheffield that works for all. ShefFood and its partners will support other partners to achieve their sustainable food goals.

Selina Treuherz, ShefFood’s Partnership Coordinator, says;

“‘The Sheffield Food Charter aims to build membership in the partnership, to help create a knowledge base and connect partners across all areas of the food sector. This membership will contribute to Working Groups that will develop campaigns around specific issues in the food sector and form a representative, city-wide food strategy.”

Become a Partner, Sign the charter

ShefFood is looking for organisations, no matter how big or small,  to join the cause and build our network of fantastic food producers, makers, sellers and lovers. They already have a large variety of organisations helping up from small to large, including community groups all the way to anchor institutions like the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University. You could be; a restaurant, bar, pub, food retailer, non-profit, farm, allotment society,  community garden, faith group, academic group, media outlet or a social media influencer.

If you work with food in any capacity and would love to see a food system that benefits everyone in our city, ShefFood wants to hear from you.  Visit the partner page on their website to sign up at All they need to know is your contact details, a little about yourself/organisation and what sustainable food practices you are currently doing or plan to do. You can follow ShefFood on social media on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @ShefFoodSocial and follow the campaign using the hashtag #Sheftosilver. 

Let’s take our Steel City from Bronze to Silver!