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ShefFood Meeting Minutes – 12th July 2022

Date: 12th July 2022, 1.30-3pm


  • Selina Treuherz (Sheffood)
  • Rene Meijer (FW)
  • Jesica Wilson (PH and SCC)
  • John Lecorney (Heeley CF)
  • S2 Foodbank Admin
  • Martin Yarnit
  • Darrell Maryon (HCF)
  • Lyds Leather (Food Ladders)
  • Nick Waterfield PXI
  • Lorna Middleton
  • FoodHall project
  • Louise Hunt
  • Ruth Passey
  • Megan Lewis
  1.  #ShefftoSilver
    1. Charter
  • Selina runs through the charter, and explains its focus and the 5-point action plan; no significant issues were raised, but  John Le Corney mentions that he would like to discuss this and working groups in a separate meeting.
  1. Working Groups
  2. Action Plan
    1. Speaking with Olivia Blake and Paul Blomfield MP
  • JL- need to engage all groups interested, green new deal etc.
  1. Food Strategy- proposed public consultation


Into Discussion

  • JL and RM – see composting as not a current priority – need infrastructure before rolling out within communities

Reading groups for a food movement that is also about visioning and activism (ST)

Martin – Asking what the SCC food strategy is in relation to the national one as currently there is no real structure in the national one

JW – Jess is writing the SCC food strategy and what the full strategy will look like. Council facing and partnership action plans will be different but working in tandem

RM – national strategy is not so relevant as there isn’t really any ideal that could focus on our own.

JL – Any investment and recognition in food strategy is welcome as that dwindled greatly

MY – Get money flowing into the local food structure

Fran Halsall (adding comments post meeting) – There needs to be a dedicated section of the FS that talks about food growing strategy.  Or this could be a standalone document that responds to the FS and is distributed in conjunction with it.   

  1. Partnership Coordination  Updates 

There will be space for other organisations to give updates later on in the meeting.

  1. Partnership Coordinator Activity.
  2. Finance
  3. Staff
  4. Comms
  5. Governance
  • As GR could not attend, it was decided that this would be discussed in the next steering group meeting.
  1. Working groups
    1. Food Ladders Project (Lyds Leather/Selina Treuherz)

LL – Introduction to food ladders brief and what was achieved/ongoing projects.

RM – needs to be sectioned as working groups that are exploring access to food of which food ladders will be involved in. JW agrees

JW – Food access plan funding has passed –  3 themes introduced (see in 3.2)

RM – Reading group used for outreach and food discussions

ST – Want to ensure that these are accessible to all, and not focus on a particular action, more to encourage food activism in the city.

  1. Sheffield City Council Food Strategy and cost of living crisis cabinet (Jess Wilson)

3 themes(JW):

Crisis Response in the here and now (6 months to a year)

  • Food Bank Development Worker (VAS)
  • Foodladders development role
  • Food Access Plan: tackling Food Poverty, Developing Food Poverty in the city, I.e. Food Banks to food pantries
  1. Urban Agriculture Task Force (Gareth Roberts)
  • ML – UATF looks at research on urban and peri-urban food growing developments within Sheffield and has funding currently within the partnership
  • DM-  would be keen to look at the human infrastructure involved.
  • ML – have been working to identify sites in the past few years about space in sheffield that can be used for agriculture and the training involved in that. Looking at connection to city heat grids. Jake Nichols – Involved in sustainability centre.

Training and skills

  • JL – could be a whole other meeting – need a horticulture college in Sheffield– need training
  • DM – school groups’ engagement in food growers/ horticulture. Make courses available 
  • MY-  engagement skills next meeting need to invest in horticulture and skills
  • DM – there is a big city interest in horticulture training/ jobs
  1. Other Activities-(possible reading group)
  1. Partner Activities

4.1      Campaigns

4.2      Events 

  1. AOB

Leon (Late)- Re introducing Selina and her work/what she wants to achieve

JL – Put a diary in the next meeting

SH – October the 11th as provisional