ShefFood Steering Group Meeting, 20th December 2023
- Rachael Treharne
- Selina Treuherz
- Natalie Flanagan
- Gareth Roberts
- Rene Meijer
- Lucie Nield
- Peter Jackson
Agenda No | Item | Notes | Action Points |
Introductions/ Apologies | |||
Silver award celebrationCelebrate award as recognition for Sheffield, as well the achievements of the partnership 7th february at Hagglers corner (£100 for room hire for 100 people) Catering to be confirmed. | Save the date – open invitation Start around 7pm | ALL – save the date! | |
Governance and FinanceCurrent Budget spreadsheetSheffood Funding Options | About where we expected to be, some extra left over from day-to-day expenses. Putting expenses statement together for synergy funds which are now in the bank. Core funds secured up to July 2024. Planning for the future (ST)We have the capacity currently to create a 5 year funding and governance strategy. Need to address long term aims & sources of revenue, not just short term grant funding. Brighton & Hove as case study. Some options/ideas:Regular funding from anchor institutionsResearch grantsShort term grantsDonation page on website (but maybe GR’s membership fee idea better)ConsultancySpace managementEducation and cooking Aim to have an initial plan by next SG meeting. [Feedback]LN – can offer in kind support and look at developing funding bids, but any regular ongoing funding likely to be a real challengePJ – similar, can develop funding bids, ongoing funding less likely. SYMCA is a good option to pursue. ST, RT, others, should meet with Rachel Rothman.LN – UKRI climate change & health hub. PJ – Still project based, not core costs.SH – Can offer connection with SYMCA, Ruth Speare, would be engaged. GR – should consider membership fees for long-term financial stability RM – other people to talk to, Eat Smart, are there links into the University or Hallam re. E.g. guest lecturing… Education sector.LN – space within Hallam to trial education around cooking, trial having a space of our own. Using this space would be relatively straightforward to organise. GR – should look at options related to incorporation. SFP have advised different food partnerships on this. Pros & cons, but should be part of conversation. Consensus – keep exploring all these options. Answer is probably not just one option. | ST, RT, NF catching up on synergy grant spend 1st week of Jan. RT research short term grants ST look into research funding SH – share connection with Ruth Speare (?) ST – share slides after meeting (?) | |
4. . | Implementing Action Plan [Selina]AccountabilityStanding working group agenda item?Informal monitoring spreadsheetRAG-rating? | ST – RAG-rated action plan Several are completed!Would be beneficial to talk to someone in public health as less clarity over progress of some actions connected to public health. Chris Yap interest in doing a ‘one year on’ event focused on the action plan. RM – should look at this being a living document. Should we add things here as others join the partnership? Role of working groups to provide accountability, standing agenda item would help with this. | |
Comms [Lorna & Rachael]ArticlesWe’d like to expand our scope to other local publications Now Then (already in progress), The Tribune, any others people can suggest?While the Telegraph have been very good in publishing our articles, The Star have basically abandoned us without explaining why. We can no longer promise partners articles will be in the Star as they provide no communication.WebsiteUpdates on about us, research page and inclusion of silver award information.Updated WG pages with success links and created a ‘past partners’ area and tag e.g. for foodhall, leaf+shoot.Need EDI statement approving and then can be put on websiteSocial mediaAlmost hit 1500 on InstagramNeed more photography of real people and our events, or photos from partners we can use to promote Sheffield.Can Regather get the ShefFood signs repainted for photos?EmailsIncreased audience and now have 312 subscribersCan Mailchimp upgrade be approved to allow for automation of thank you emails (for both partners and individuals). Pricing – £10.45 per month for the Essentials package | LN – Now Then & Tribune are great, but also maybe don’t meet our EDI objectives/not a wide readership – not sure what the answer is but something to consider. Sheffield Metro? GR – South LAC, GR & Fran spoke there recently, good engagement, ripple effect – could look at engaging with other LACs. Mid-sheet size newspapersCooperator e.g.; SCF Sharrow voice, cost effective, opus have done print distribution. EDI statement – agreed. GR – Still have ShefFood letters! They could be repainted but they look fine. All – not right time for Mailchimp upgrade. | LM – EDI statement to go on website. | |
Working Groups UpdateGood Food Economy [Selina]KE funding application- see proposal here.A supplier showcase by Mark Farnsworth.Food Ladders [Selina]Difficult last meeting- food banks felt like they were poverty not food orgs (shows food sourcing is working)Aim to do a workshop inc Ollie explaining Food Ladders and what food ladders ‘is and is not’Food, Health, Obesity Board [Susan] Composting and Growing [Rachael]Two meetings since last SG meeting: city & community composting on Oct 25th; urban food growing focus group on November 22nd. Next meeting: New Year New Idea; date; venueGood Food Movement [Rachael]General note: you can now sign the charter as an individual as a means of building the Good Food Movement.One meeting since the last SG meeting: inaugural ShefFood book club @ Juno Books. 2024 meeting calendar in progress: Q1 to include film screening + panel discussion based on ‘Rooted’ and another round of book club. Q2-Q3: Attercliffe local food market | |||
AOB | Recruitment for SCC Jess’s replacement is complete – Liz Harris will start on 28th february. Has a food background, currently working Thameside. |