ShefFood Meeting Minutes Cover Image

Steering Group Meeting Minutes – Feb 2024

Agenda NoItemNotesAction Points
Introductions/ ApologiesPresent: PJ, BA, LH, GR, LM, RT, LB, ST, LM, NF
Silver award celebrationRecap and thanks for coming!
Governance and Finance – New funding sources/projects since last SG meeting [Selina & Natalie] N.B. Current Budget spreadsheet See below for FoF Work
SCC x ShefFood projects until August 2024
Formalising consultancy & workshops offer [Rachael]
New projects around LFAP; governance and long term strategy; community food coordination; kitchen mapping 
All starting in March. 18 month grant. 
Food coordination role needs some handover. We will be hiring a deputy partnership coordinator to add some capacity. New set of outcomes. 
Consultancy offer: formalising what we already do. Deciding if this a local/regional or national offer?
Working towards it being an offer that can expand the reach of consultancy for partners. 
Need to consider the insurance and liability around consultnacy

FixourFood Project [Selina]Co-i an potential partners sheet
1 pager on Towards More inclusive policymaking
Drawing on involvement of co-is
Around increasing participation in local food policy. 
Action-based research project. 
Comms [Lorna]
Work in 2024
Technical updates to the website/domain to reduce plugins which has improved speeds, and reduced spam/spoof emailing. (See screenshots below)
Also added to the site is new partner filtering, a partner map, EDI statement, and updated copy.
New social media banners and campaigns (#goodfoodmovement #steeltogold)
Ongoing articles with telegraph are well received, Ongoing with Now Then, help from SHU ongoing.
Future plans
Creating a welcome/promo pack for partners 
Building consultancy page
Development of working group pages
Further technical improvements to reduce carbon emissions
All agreed- thank you Lorna
Leon to maybe run through National SFP support available
Developing Sheffield’s edible fruit tree system / economy / community [Gareth]
“Legacy Launch” of Eat Trees Sheffield project
Establishing edible fruit tree theme to Food & Composting WG meeting series
Working Groups Update
Good Food Economy [Selina] – Still waitting for a response from ToS about the bid, Next meeting 12th March around ‘shopping lists’
Food Ladders [Selina]- Having a break in between meetings
Food, Health, Obesity Board
Composting and Growing [Rachael] – 31st Jan: ‘New Year New Idea’ meeting at RegatherTBC timing: Future meeting focusing on land availability
Good Food Movement [Rachael] – Next quarter: March 20th: ‘In the Kitchen’ book club, March 22nd: Green Supper hosted by Grove Rd Environmental Group TBC April 23rd: ‘Rooted’ Film Screening & panel discussion

AOBChanges at SHU with offers of redundancy packages for staff – GR
Work on draft Local Plan – GR
ST and GR to meet re meeting for Local Plan 
ShefFood mobile Google Page Speed Insight Scores
ShefFood desktop Google Page Speed Insight Scores