PAPRIKA: The Food Consultancy

Paprika are a food consultancy organisation that are professional Place Making consultants, interested in people and places and working collaboratively with them to improve quality of life and environments. We invest in you, as an individual, as a community or as an organisation, to help you achieve place solutions that work.


Paprika is run by Esther Morrison, this is what she had to say about her practice ' Although I graduated from MMU in 2022 with an MSc in Place Management and Leadership, I have been a placemaker and food consultant since 2016, specialising in food as a high street footfall driver, vehicle for community cohesion and events hook. Since Covid, I have created a niche skill set that is helping neighbourhoods improve their food reputations, by supporting businesses through to understanding of, and compliance with, UK food standards and systems. This helps to bring businesses together and to overcome the low scores that are often the result of community misinformation, low levels of trust with authority and language barriers. In turn, this encourages wider exploration of an area and its micro businesses, helping to generate buzz and footfall. Trained as a consultation professional, I have also been creating, delivering and reporting on bespoke consultation methodologies for more than 15 years, specialising in creating authentic engagement with communities that are 'seldom heard' or 'hard to reach. My thesis was on the impact of Covid-19 on local food chains and I work with the Sheffield Food Partnership.'.